Lackadaisy: The Animated Short is an animated short film based on the Lackadaisy webcomic series and a pilot for an upcoming animated webseries; it premiered on the Lackadaisy YouTube channel on March 29, 2023. The project is produced by Iron Circus Animation and funded on Kickstarter.
- "Olive Branch" by Sepiatonic
- "Sunset Rose Cocktail" by M Gewehr
- "Feathers N Fringe" by Albert Marlowe
Read the transcript of Lackadaisy: The Animated Short.
The image gallery for Lackadaisy: The Animated Short may be viewed here. |
Background Information[]
- Its goal on Kickstarter was funded in six hours, and its initial goals have all been funded.
- The trailer was released on YouTube January 16, 2023.
- The pilot contains occasional flashing lights. As such, people who have photosensitive epilepsy (PSE) should be careful when watching it.
- The violin playing in the first scene was done by Fabrice You Martinez.[1]
- Fable has confirmed that the three cameos in the Lackadaisy Speakeasy are Kickstarter backers. The others are crew related.[2]
- Even though the animated pilot is set in September of 1927, it's separate from the comic timeline.[3]
- Weapons used in the pilot:
- Model 1921 Thompson
- Colt 1911
- Colt 1908 Vest pocket
- M1918 BAR
- M1917 revolver
- The name Ana Chronistic is a pun of the word "anachronism".
- Rocky mentions serial murderers Burke and Hare.
- Whiskey in the Jar - Rocky sings a line from the traditional Irish vocal ballad.
Character | Voice actor |
Freckle | Belsheber Rusape |
Rocky | Michael Kovach |
Ivy | Lisa Reimold |
Serafine | Benni Latham |
Nicodeme J.J Carnival Barker |
Malcolm Ray |
Mordecai | SungWon Cho |
Zib | Valentine Stokes |
Mitzi | Ashe Wagner |
Wick | Bradley Gareth |
Viktor Asa |
Jason Marnocha |
Horatio | Tomas Walter Vitola |
Freckle (additional audio) | Rika the cat |
- ↑ Lackadaisy Flimflam Tumblr post. Apr. 8, 2023.
- ↑ Lackacord
- ↑ Lackadaisy Flimflam Tumblr. Apr. 20, 2023